Forums - Sagat VS Adon : Who is best? Show all 30 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Sagat VS Adon : Who is best? ( Posted by Muskau on 05:14:2001 11:02 AM: I want to know in SFA3, who could you kick more butt's with? Adon? or Sagat? I can use Sagat pretty well but I would like to know who would be the most effective in busting heads? And in what ism? Also in a match Sagat vs Adon, who wins? My friend uses Adon and plays hit-and-run all the time against my Sagat and I'm not sure how to handle it. Hope you can help Posted by Apoc on 05:14:2001 01:46 PM: quote: Originally posted by Muskau I want to know in SFA3, who could you kick more butt's with? Adon? or Sagat? I can use Sagat pretty well but I would like to know who would be the most effective in busting heads? And in what ism? Also in a match Sagat vs Adon, who wins? My friend uses Adon and plays hit-and-run all the time against my Sagat and I'm not sure how to handle it. Hope you can help I'd say sagat is better overall because of his easy high damage vcs. Sagat vs. Adon I'd have to give Adon though. Imo Adon has always whooped on Sagat. Outside of using Vism I don't think sagat has any real advantages here. And Adon has vism as well...not to mention Aism Adon nullifies Sagat's tiger shots as usable moves because of the kick super. Apoc. Posted by TRuNK$ on 05:14:2001 01:54 PM: adon ownz all a-ism adon is my favorite character in A3, i can beat most sagat players cuz adon has moves that avoid all sagat's gay tiger shots Posted by Muskau on 05:14:2001 02:03 PM: My friend doesn't kill me by using the kick super through my tigershots, because I almost never throw tiger shots, it leaves Sagat waaaay too open to do tigershots outside a VC, my friend usually just stays outside my hit range and throws out a RK if I try something, and then as I get up he just does repeated jaguar knees so I just sit there and block and then he uses that wall jump kick to get out of range again, he's really annoying. Is there any way to beat him? Adon's priority and speed always gets Sagat in the start-up of everything Posted by TRuNK$ on 05:14:2001 04:39 PM: adon is a poking character, if u wanna hurt him, jus wait till he pokes then hit his feet with a tiger uppercut. U might end up jus trading with him, but he should get the worst of it Posted by kingswift on 05:14:2001 06:01 PM: quote: [i] Also in a match Sagat vs Adon, who wins? [/B] Adon beats the shit out Sagats old wash up ass in the story and in gameplay. Posted by ytz16 on 05:14:2001 08:34 PM: You strange, strange people.... Adon, in my opinion, has a rubbish character, and a really really bad voice actor.. so, aestetically and aurally, he is worse off. Play wise, I'm not so sure, I haven't concentrated on using Adon alot, but I feel it's a lot easier to master him, (using the poke-method) than to master sagat's very strange offense style (strange places where his moves connect..) It's kinda hard to explain.. but Sagat, behind Gouki and Sakura, has always been one of my favorite characters, just because he's the big-ass, bad-ass, thai kickboxing, dan's-father-mashing mo'f*ka. Posted by Muskau on 06:22:2001 04:15 AM: I've now started playing Adon and now I get totally reamed by characters I used to totally destroy with Sagat! Like my friend who plays Karin, every time I try to use the standing RK poke he just uses Karin sweep to hit me under it and I can hardly get near her thanks to the FP anti-air, and her almost unbeatable jumping RK, I never had problems against her when I played as Sagat, mostly because I beat her at all of her ranges. I just end up trying to fake him out with short jaguar tooth's into throws, sweeps or a super. Is that the way Adon should be played? As a cheesy keep-away character? Or should I just stick to playing with my unbeatable (except against Guile) Sagat? If any Adon players could help I would be very grateful Posted by Dark-Angel on 06:22:2001 07:41 AM: I think Adon because I play like that too hit and run and if i have an Opening i throw a special right at it so I think Adon would Win! -Dark-Angel- Posted by Muskau on 06:22:2001 04:12 PM: The Weird thing is between Adon and Sagat, Sagat is the combo character, he regularly gets 8 hit combos, while with Adon you lucky to score a 4 hit in an entire match! Unless they are in V-ism I think Adon is designed for bashing Sagat around, since Adon is short enough to get under most of Sagat's attacks, has an anti-fireball super, and often beats Sagat at poking range. The CPU Adon at 8 stars probably gives my Sagat the most amount of trouble in the game. I'm not sure who is the best... Sagat is very good for taking certain characters down bad for others, the same goes for Adon especially when going against Zangief (Ouch!) Sagat can make short work of Zangief, but Zangief can really kick Adon around if he's not careful! Posted by shadowcharlie on 06:22:2001 04:51 PM: sagat(my sgat) owns adon for free. i play both lets see you say playing both a correct? well a good thing to do to adon is start the match with tiger knee to close in throw, (always throw out a low tiger shot after any sagat throw or is if your friend likes to air recover a high one) both after a throw are garantieed chip. and hold him in place. the main thing you have to do with adon is poke more with mk and crouch lk. that works well. alpha counter once or twice. i like to pull an uppercut counter and cancle into scar charge. the once in the corner you just do the old lp uppercut hp uppercut or genocide andon does bad on sagat crossups, so jumping hk,standing hk lv3 tiger raid will murder him. never play fire ball game specially with x adon. only combo fireballs. hope this helps Posted by Ki-StyLe on 06:22:2001 05:53 PM: Sagat will win! Posted by AKUMA2000 on 06:23:2001 03:49 PM: Adon will win, he can poke and pry with his jaguar tooth and avoid projectiles with his jaguar kick. His rising jaguar is a great anti-air weapon.... Sagat although powerful, his size makes him more vunerable for cross ups & throws.....his tigershots are worthless at long range. (just my opinion) Posted by shadowcharlie on 06:23:2001 05:20 PM: quote: Originally posted by AKUMA2000 Adon will win, he can poke and pry with his jaguar tooth and avoid projectiles with his jaguar kick. His rising jaguar is a great anti-air weapon.... Sagat although powerful, his size makes him more vunerable for cross ups & throws.....his tigershots are worthless at long range. (just my opinion) why does every one think u need tiger shot to use sagat u dont. Posted by LOU on 06:23:2001 06:17 PM: SAGET !!!! Posted by AKUMA2000 on 06:23:2001 06:17 PM: quote: shadowcharlie:why does every one think u need tiger shot to use sagat u dont You don't (depending on the person), i was just saying his close up tiger shots are more effective than the long range ones. Posted by JaHa on 06:23:2001 06:20 PM: adon definitely and layzee from team know skill(sd)will prove it Posted by yellow press on 06:23:2001 06:21 PM: speaking of sagat i was wondering what are his best v-ism combos to use in a battle. What are so basic strats that you guys use with sagat? Posted by AKUMA2000 on 06:23:2001 06:32 PM: quote: yellow press:speaking of sagat i was wondering what are his best v-ism combos to use in a battle. What are so basic strats that you guys use with sagat? Try these.... or ...hope they help you out. Posted by JaHa on 06:23:2001 06:38 PM: team know skill san diego combo vid Posted by Ray on 06:23:2001 08:07 PM: quote: Originally posted by ytz16 You strange, strange people.... Adon, in my opinion, has a rubbish character, and a really really bad voice actor.. so, aestetically and aurally, he is worse off. Play wise, I'm not so sure, I haven't concentrated on using Adon alot, but I feel it's a lot easier to master him, (using the poke-method) than to master sagat's very strange offense style (strange places where his moves connect..) It's kinda hard to explain.. but Sagat, behind Gouki and Sakura, has always been one of my favorite characters, just because he's the big-ass, bad-ass, thai kickboxing, dan's-father-mashing mo'f*ka. I agree! Adon is a total loser and sagat rules! When sagat puts his knee to adon's chest he'll break all his ribs at once! Posted by Muskau on 06:24:2001 03:34 AM: I never thought of cancelling into a Scar Charge, heh, I should tryt that I don't really use Sagat's kick's hen he's crouching, I usually stick with the FP or RK when I'm crouching, since I don't think Sagat is too good with footsie Posted by shadowcharlie on 06:24:2001 04:25 AM: quote: Originally posted by Muskau I never thought of cancelling into a Scar Charge, heh, I should tryt that I don't really use Sagat's kick's hen he's crouching, I usually stick with the FP or RK when I'm crouching, since I don't think Sagat is too good with footsie yeah and you can pull scar charge as defence ei:balrog does one of his dash punches, scar charge right as he hits and he goes right through you, you have 2 frames free and are powered up Posted by AKUMA2000 on 06:24:2001 04:32 AM: quote: shadowcharlie:yeah and you can pull scar charge as defence ei:balrog does one of his dash punches, scar charge right as he hits and he goes right through you, you have 2 frames free and are powered up I didn't know that..... Posted by Tigergenocide5 on 06:24:2001 06:15 AM: Sagat is the best!!!Adon is just a little punk ass!!If you lose to Adon using Sagat,Sagat obviously isnt your style go play with Ryu or something,geez losing to adon....thats so sad,If you lose to Adon using ANYONE you suck plain and simple. Posted by CICS on 06:25:2001 12:21 PM: Sagat has the advantage I think.You'll have to use X-ism as it suits Sagat better.V is great but Sagat needs to use X to be a real threat.Adon is sitting duck if you know how to zone him with the tiger knee and uppercuts. Posted by shadowcharlie on 07:01:2001 12:32 AM: quote: Originally posted by AKUMA2000 I didn't know that..... Posted by shadowcharlie on 07:01:2001 08:51 PM: quote: Originally posted by Tigergenocide5 Sagat is the best!!!Adon is just a little punk ass!!If you lose to Adon using Sagat,Sagat obviously isnt your style go play with Ryu or something,geez losing to adon....thats so sad,If you lose to Adon using ANYONE you suck plain and simple. care to back that up instead of just tossing out put downs to people if they cant beat "adon"(even though every adon is different dependin' on the person ussin' him)? Posted by powerhouse on 07:01:2001 10:29 PM: Sagat over Adon any time. Posted by shadowcharlie on 07:02:2001 03:34 AM: i still think its up to how good you are, sagt is better then adon to me only because iv played him since sf2t cameout on the snes adon inly since sfa2 so you see its all about dat. All times are GMT. The time now is 10:54 PM. Show all 30 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.